Using an IUL as a Tax-Free Retirement Savings Strategy
IRS-approved Tax Advantaged
- No taxes during the accumulation phase
- Tax-free policy loans
- Tax-free death benefit, protecting loved ones
Market Volatility Protection
- Market linked gains without market risk
- The previous year’s gains are locked in
Flexibility and Control
- Unlike 401K’s and IRA’s, there are no limits on contributions
- Not limited based on income
- Access to funds before 59 ½
Who Benefits the Most?
- High income earners
- Individuals who have maxed their retirement accounts
- Business owners, IUL’s contributions are not limited based on their 401K Plan
- Risk-adverse clients
- Younger clients
These days, most clients, if not all, are highly concerned about future market fluctuations eroding their retirement and not being able to retire comfortably. Unbeknownst to your clients, rising taxes could quite possibly pose the largest risk to their retirement goals. Indexed Universal Life Insurance is a cost-effective way to protect their savings from taxes while providing them with supplemental retirement income for their entire lifetime.
—Albert Womble, Life Insurance Specialist, Wealth Watch Partners
January 2021